
@ 12:15 on Wednesday, 27 October 1999


tableaus are not mechanical � need to look for implicit premises

bizarre: rules flow from truth tables (if you buy them, then t tableau rules are justified)

bracketing in arithmetic (& logic) � indicates the order in which operations are performed

e.g. I go to town

I drink beer

I drink wine

T �/span> B �/span> W


negation of a disjunction


Testing for validity

Set up code (M: Major is sad)

Translate into our propoisitonal language (connectives)

Form CES

Construct a tableau

If the tableau closes, premises syntactically entail the conclusion

Syntactic turnstile (says that the tableau closes)


Icabod got a distinction

Icabod is sad

D but S

D and S

D �/span> S (lose some sense/connotations from the English)



There will be a picnic

It rains

There will be a picnic unless it rains

P �/span> R

If it does not rain, there will be a picnic


You work very hard

You will get a First


You will get a First if you work very hard

You will get a First only if you work very hard

If you work hard, you will get a First, and only if you work hard

[(F W) �/span> (W F)]


R:�� Icabod rows

F:��� Icabod gets a first

G:�� Bloggs is a good tutor

S:��� Bloggs is at st x

((R �/span> F) G),(S �G),

S |- (�R �/span> �F)


A second test for validity

valid argument: if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true

use truth tables to test directly the validity according to that definition


Semantic turnstile

Semantic turnstile


syntactic is a claim when you use the tableau

semantic is a claim when you use the truth table


both use the same

truth tables � more fundamental � come out of the and and or (which is where hodges gets his rules)

difficult to understand why the two are exactly the same


Sainsbury � ch 1,2 + 4

Richard Jeffrey�s- Formal Logic: its scope & limits


hidden inconsistency � fragopan = horned pheasant from Asia � you have an open branch in the tableau � argument is valid but hidden inconsistency


test arguments for vaildity by testing their ces for cons using tableau

limited by truth-functors